Calloway Mills The Grecian Monogram 24x22 x 36x22 Extra-Thick Doormat (Letter A) RGJW_D7LX26

$53.57  $43.68

Product details:

Welcome your guests with this stunning monogrammed doormat that is expertly made by hand Over-sized for more coverage, this mat is made of natural coir that scrapes shoe bottoms clean, it retains its shape and is 11/2" -2" thick Natural/Black in color Reduce the dirt and debri that comes into your house by placing the Home & More Olympus Handwoven Mongram Indoor/Outdoor Doormat outside your front door. Handwoven of 100% natural coir, this mat will resist mildew and mold and it's made for a life outdoors. Choose your letter and choose from available sizes. 1.5-in. thick handwoven coir fibers. li>100% coir with your choice of letter. Choose from available sizes. Resistant to mold and mildew. Weather-resistant; suitable for outdoor use. Fast drying and well suited for your highest traffic areas.